Hello world

Today I’m pleased to launch my new company  - TMA.

I’ll be publishing a series of posts to tell the full story of TMA over the coming weeks but for now here are our three founding principles:

  1. Customers and product are the most important things for founders to focus on. Everything else is a flavor of distraction that will slow progress and impact runway;

  2. Founders shouldn’t spend time doing tasks they’re C- at. These tasks should simply be grouped and handled via a competent single vendor;

  3. Founders should not be miserable. It’s bad for their wellbeing and it makes them give up. Energized founders working on things they’re good at are more likely to succeed.

TMA offers three services for founders:

  1. Start - you look after product and customers, we’ll look after everything else;

  2. Middle - coaching and tactical support;

  3. End - successfully exit your startup.

We believe founding a startup is the hardest occupation someone can do aside parenting and the military. TMA is here to make it easier.

Meet TMA ✨


👩🏻‍💻 Follow us: X LinkedIn

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash


Accountability Coach